Remote Stations
Easy-to-use products designed specifically for visitor communication and access control

DoorKeeper App
The Adatis DoorKeeper is an easy-to-use application designed specifically for visitor communication and access control. With DoorKeeper, any number of doors that are equipped with Adatis access systems can be remote-controlled from any location over the world.

DoorKeeper Software
The Adatis DoorKeeper is an easy-to-use application designed specifically for visitor communication and access control. With DoorKeeper, any number of doors that are equipped with Adatis access systems can be remote-controlled from any location over the network.

In connection with an Adatis door terminal the CommandCenter takes over the indoor station: If it rings, the camera picture will automatically appear in the display. The communication can be started with a fingertip or the door can be opened. The CommandCenter automatically adjusts the brightness of the display of the current situation and switches on automatically when it is approached. If it is not used, it runs in the power saving mode.