Home Security
For a secure feeling in your own four walls

LED Traffic Light Feature
Clear signals
Using a “traffic light feature” you may give clear signals by means of LED technology. Thus LED signals become an element of efficient and safe information. Whether it is the “Please wait-Please enter” sign at the consulting room in the doctor’s office or the “Do not disturb-Make up room” sign at the hotel room: The green or red backlit sign clearly shows what is requested. And this creates certainty with visitors and staff.
Brand JUNG

LED Info Sign
Groundbreaking technology
Where they are used, LED info signs and pilot lights instantly catch one’s eye. And this allows strangers to quickly get a general idea of the place and facilitates orientation. Whether it is the way to the lift, to the cafeteria, or to the emergency room, whether it is the sign indicating the exit or the meeting room – thanks to info signs showing clear lettering or icons that are lighted in white or colours, each way is found easily and safely! Of course, you may have the label prepared according to the individual application.
Brand JUNG

Orientation via LED
Info signs and pilot lights safely show the way
Whether in public buildings, offices, hotels, or simply at home: LED technology provides safe and systematic orientation in the house! Where light signals and LED info signs provide orientation in large buildings, switches and outlets with floor pilot lights ensure safe paths in your own home even in the dark.
Brand JUNG

Fingerprint Access
Whether your own home or sensitive areas in a company such as laboratories, server rooms, or R&D departments: You should play safe when it comes to permitting access to persons. Biometric access control ensures that no unauthorized persons enter your rooms.
There is nothing distinctive like the human fingerprint. So what seems to be more obvious than using this uniqueness? It is exactly this concept the advanced JUNG technology implements for you: The Fingerprint System checks the access permission of persons based on their fingerprint which – because of its uniqueness – is considered to be a method for identifying persons that is beyond doubt. Thanks to the precision of the line scanning technology, rebuilding from latent fingerprints is not possible – this ensures maximum protection against misuse or forgery. This way you may protect your rooms against unauthorised access!
Brand JUNG

Outdoor Lighting
The movement dependent lighting control ensures that the outdoor way to the entrance door is safe: Purposefully placed observers switch the light on immediately after persons have entered the detection area. This does not only provide adequate welcome to you and your guests but also has another benefit: Any “unwanted visitors” will be announced to you by bright lighting. No one who enters your property will remain unnoticed!
Brand JUNG

Indoor Lighting
Whether in corridors, stairways, or entrance area: Movement dependent lighting control automatically switches the light on when you enter the detection area. Using a purposefully placed automatic switch or presence detector, there is no need to look for the light switch. Thus you will not be left in the dark. Moreover, visitors who do not know the place will be on the safe side. Useful side-effect: After a preset time, the light will automatically be switched off thus saving energy.
Brand JUNG